Yezka'al, split between pre- and post-illithid transformation. Yezka'al was the first character I played through Baldur's Gate 3, although I ended up spending more time with Vethryn. (Partly because with the whole illithid thing they were effectively dead at the end of the game, unlike him.)
Saryan of Kubravata, a character from the book that I'm currently working on. I've drawn xem before, but xir species has changed a bit since then (note the purplish instead of green skin, for example.)
Vethryn, the afore-mentioned other Baldur's Gate 3 character. This was on the 'tied to Bhaal' theme.Ithenrael, in his Baldur's Gate line of reality, with a tome of magic.
Raven O'Malley, my character in an ongoing Changeling game. They're trying to brush up on their detective work here.
Vexielzethix's end-of-long-running-campaign portrait. He didn't survive the final battle, and was probably my top favorite character, so I did his first.Zor'taj Chaon-ka's end-of-long-running-campaign portrait. He did survive the final battle but chose to continue in the new multiverse only as a dead god, so he was second.
Ithenrael's end-of-long-running-campaign portrait. He did survive the final battle and, surprising himself, didn't end up as a god in the new multiverse; instead he's continuing to teach magic and adventure.
Kuzimiyel Bloodsun's end-of-long-running-campaign portrait. They did survive the final battle and are shown here in the new multiverse with their intelligent tiger friend.Zemariel Tabris' end-of-long-running-campaign portrait. He survived, surprisingly, and is a griffon rider in the new multiverse.
And that's all for this year! I didn't get as much art done as I wanted to (although I did also finish a few comic pages which will be appearing some time in the coming year), but I was happy with what I did get done.