New Year 2023
It's the start of a new year, and since it's also been a month since I started this newsletter, it's a good time for a wrap-up.

It's the start of a new year, and since it's also been a month since I started this newsletter, it's a good time for a wrap-up.
Looking Back
Overall, 2022 was a year in which I struggled to get as much done as I wanted to, largely because I was still dealing with the effects of 2021. But despite that, there were some highlights.

I completed 14 pieces of digital art in 2022, which is much less than in 2021 (27 pieces) or 2020 (38 pieces), but still meets my goal of at least one a month.

I began work on my next comic in 2022, and was working on the outline through December. I've done some art experiments in Clip Studio Paint, and I'm working on the process I'll use for it. It's been much slower going than I would have liked – I had initially aimed to begin work on a new comic back in 2020, shortly after Corner the Maze concluded – but I want to do it right and make sure that this is a thing I want to see through to its conclusion, that it's properly planned, and so forth.

There were a lot of positives here. I won a karting championship, which was definitely the racing highlight of the year; I also started iRacing, and took part in the iRacing 12 Hours of Sebring, 24 Hours of Spa (which we led for the first half until an internet issue dropped us down the field), and 10 Hours of Suzuka. My pace has improved significantly and I'm working on my racecraft.

I went to Silver Lake Dunes at the beginning of the year for a test with my new lens, and then to the Colorado Plateau in spring (the south rim of the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon with a little detour to Red Canyon, Arches, and Canyonlands) and to the Columbia River Gorge and Mt. Rainier in the fall. I also took a smaller trip in the fall to Hartwick Pines State Park, but that was hiking only.

I finished revising my second novel, and drafted the fourth. I drafted some short stories, although I didn't finish any, and I took notes on the draft of my third novel, but didn't get to revising it. I did realize that I need a setting document for that series, and started working on it towards the end of the year. I created an area in my room set aside for writing, which should help me get more done next year.
Looking Forward
2023 has the potential to be a better year, and my plan is to make it so. I'm redirecting my energy primarily into writing and comics, but I very much intend to keep drawing and painting as well – although with more of a focus on what I want to be drawing rather than what I hope could sell.
My only goal this year is to have fun with art and find a style I really enjoy doing.
I hope to launch my new comic by the end of next year, but I'm not going to set that as any sort of solid date, because I don't know if I'll be able to keep to it. At the very least I should have the outline entirely finished and the script written and be ready to begin work towards the end of the year. If I see opportunities to create shorter comics or participate in anthologies, I'll also take those this year, unlike last year.
I had wanted to participate in the same big iRacing events again this year, but it looks like I'll be unable to participate in the 12 Hours of Sebring due to timing (I'm having surgery at the end of February, and the race is likely to be in March). However, the 24 Hours of Spa should be a go assuming I can get a team together, as well as the 10 Hours of Suzuka. I'll also be looking into doing some more. I may also look for a different place to kart, since the place I used to go has discontinued leagues.
Trip planning is a little trickier and less certain, but I'm going to take at least two trips and get some hiking and photography in. I may also go back to using trips partly as writing retreats; I went away from that for the last two years because I needed so badly to try to relax.
After my setting document is finished I'm going to get stuck into revising the third novel (the art up above is a character from that). I also plan to revise the short stories I started last year and write at least four more.
Onwards to 2023!