Thoughts RPG Character Backgrounds I just finished my first run through Dragon Age: the Veilguard, and it occurred to me that I've never shared the computer backgrounds I make for my characters after finishing an RPG before and it might be interesting.
Reading Books I've Read in 2024 Like last year, I kept a list of books that I read this year as I went. I'll be separating them into fiction and non-fiction, but not any further than that by category. As usual, the fiction side is rather longer, since I tend to read more of that and also read it more quickly.
Racing The Endurance Mindset Minimizing incidents, keeping tires alive, and staying focused and alert over long stints are all part of the most important two things in an endurance race: consistency and persistence.
Art Character Dive: Narsinyo In this short series, I'm going to be looking at not only how my art has changed and improved over the course of each featured character's (or group of characters) existence, but also how their personalities and my conceptions of them have changed and grown.
Art Character Dive: Kuzimiyel In this short series, I'm going to be looking at not only how my art has changed and improved over the course of each featured character's (or group of characters) existence, but also how their personalities and my conceptions of them have changed and grown.
Art Character Dive: Vexielzethix In this short series, I'm going to be looking at not only how my art has changed and improved over the course of each featured character's (or group of characters) existence, but also how their personalities and my conceptions of them have changed and grown.
Art Character Dive: Snakeheart & Co. In this short series, I'm going to be looking at not only how my art has changed and improved over the course of each featured character's (or group of characters) existence, but also how their personalities and my conceptions of them have changed and grown.
Art Character Dive: Ithenrael In this short series, I'm going to be looking at not only how my art has changed and improved over the course of each featured character's (or group of characters) existence, but also how their personalities and my conceptions of them have changed and grown.
Art Art Process (as of early 2024) I've changed my standard process since the last time I wrote about it, although mostly in fairly subtle ways. (Image heavy)
Reading Books I've Read in 2023 I kept a list as I went this year, so it's fairly complete – although may be missing some smaller books I re-read.
Art Art Summary: 2023 All of the art that I finished in 2023, including that which I didn't see fit to add to my portfolio.
Thoughts (Not) Doing Business As There are two main reasons I'm dropping my DBA. Firstly, it's too narrow to encompass what I'm actually planning on doing going forward; secondly, it simply wasn't a step I needed to take in the first place. I believed it was at the time, but have realized since that I was wrong.
Reading Books I've Read 2020 - 2022 I had originally intended this list for the end of December or early January – some time in the vicinity of my particular observed New Year – but it's a bit late for that. It is, at least, less late for Lunar New Year...
News New Year 2023 It's the start of a new year, and since it's also been a month since I started this newsletter, it's a good time for a wrap-up.
Racing Three Important Lessons Racing Taught Me I started racing electric karts at my local indoor track regularly in late 2019 (right before the pandemic hit, as fate would have it). While I had occasionally driven out to farther-away tracks before to practice, I consider that the start of my truly learning to race.
Comics Learning Comics the Hard Way, Part III: What I'll Do Differently Next Time I did all right given how I jumped into comics. After all, Corner the Maze exists as a finished webcomic, it picked up a small but devoted group of readers, and I succeeded in telling the story that I wanted to tell. But there are some things that I will definitely do differently with my next comic.
Comics Learning Comics the Hard Way, Part II: Layouts and Lettering I mentioned that my thumbnails were all over the place in Part I. This mostly didn't matter, aside from increasing my overall frustration with the process and slowing me down (not inconsequential over nearly six years), but did create several issues with paneling.
Comics Learning Comics the Hard Way, Part I: How I Stumbled Into Comic Writing That's not even (much of) an exaggeration. Oh, I'd had various ideas bouncing around in my head for years, many of them loosely related to what would become Mortal No Longer, and in that regard this one was no exception.
News Featured Welcome! You're probably wondering right now exactly what sort of things you'll be getting in your inbox if you sign up, which is a thoroughly reasonable thing to be wondering.